Professor and Associate Dean for Research, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University
One of the key tasks for news outlets is to develop better understandings of audiences: How audiences see the news and information ecosystem, and what they want from local news organizations. As principal investigator for the News Measures Research Project, Rutgers University professor Dr. Philip Napoli discusses its multi-pronged effort to develop assessment tools for local journalism that can be used in a variety of contexts, including professional practice, academic research, His recent work is important to a discussion of technological change and the future of news as smaller, local news outlets also struggle to serve news consumers in a much larger market.
Professor Napoli will be participating in the following sessions:
Public lecture: The audience revolution (9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
Breakout session: Shifting audiences (1:30 p.m .- 3 p.m.)